The Deep Privacy Challenge of Doing DPIAs Well

Data Protection Impact Assessments are the sleeping giants that lie deep in the GDPR. Doing DPIAs well requires organizations to commit to responsible data management at a deep, deep level. That’s one of the reasons why they are so challenging.

The Divided States of America(n Data)

Across the ocean, a much-publicized piece of holistic privacy legislation called the GDPR has transformed the relationship between citizens, businesses, and personal data. In 2019 it’s time to ask: why can’t the USA produce its own unified piece of federal data privacy regulation?

An Overview of States Passing Privacy Laws

Any Intro to Civics course teaches that lawmakers exist to enact the will of the people. Moreover, since “the people” have recently become very concerned with the security of their data and the privacy of their online activity, it’s perhaps reassuring to see the recent nationwide bloom of state-based digital privacy legislation.

Governments & Privacy

When the words “government” and “privacy” get put side-by-side, the knee-jerk reaction is usually harmful. Since the days of Orwell, governments have been poking their noses into citizens’ business. History suggests the association is not without merit.

How Online Experience Varies by Purchasing Power

When people discuss issues with data privacy, class ranking is rarely part of the conversation. Even though the internet has been a markedly business-driven project for some years now, the old perception endures that URL life isn’t getting marked by the same dividing lines that mark IRL society.

A Framework for Privacy Risk Self-assessment

With the recent raft of worldwide privacy legislation and much more to come, organizations of all shapes and sizes are becoming forced to evolve the way they do business. Those SMEs that can’t bring their operations into compliance with the GDPR, CCPA and other data privacy laws worldwide will be at a significant competitive disadvantage, and may even find that continued non-compliant operation merely is unsustainable.

Ethics & Trust in Tech: Thought Leadership

Across the tech sector, there’s widespread consensus that a trust deficit threatens to undermine the current business model of quality, ad-supported content. This mistrust exists between data subjects, data controllers, and data processors (to use GDPR parlance).

Code Driven: How to Build Trust Into Data & Tech Stacks

Yesterday evening, our CEO Cillian Kieran, gave a talk at FirstMark’s Code Driven event, located in the AWS Loft in Soho, New York. Alongside him was the CEO of FireHydrant, Robert Ross and the CTO of Better, Erik Bernhardsson.

Cillian gave an overview of what data privacy means. Additionally, Cillian discussed how to paring the requirements of data privacy compliance if you’re in engineering, data, or product teams.

Also, we’ve attached Cillian’s presentation, entitled, “How to Build Trust in Data and Tech Stacks.”

To learn more about Ethyca as well as our unique infrastructure solution to data privacy, contact us today.