Fides 2.23 Release: additional support for the Google consent experience

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Check out everything coming with our Fides 2.23 release, including:

  • Support for Google’s Additional Consent Mode
  • New UI for selecting vendors to add to the data map
  • New Compass tags to group and classify ad tech vendors
  • New connectors: Iterate and Sparkpost

Support for Google’s Additional Consent Mode

Google’s Additional Consent mode allows publishers to use Google-certified Ad Tech Providers that have not yet been approved on the IAB’s Global Vendor List (GVL). We have expanded Fides Consent Management to support adding vendors from the Additional Consent list to the TCF consumer experience. 

With this update, publishers can continue to serve ads using Google’s advertising technology while remaining compliant with the Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF) within the European Economic Area (EEA).

New UI for selecting vendors to add to the data map

Fides Compass customers can now select their vendors from a growing list of common providers (1500+). The selected vendors, with all of their information and data use declarations, will be added to your data map and made immediately available for consent and privacy request processing purposes. Learn more.

To upgrade to Fides Compass, contact

New Compass tags for grouping and classifying ad tech vendors

Fides Compass now populates systems with tags to classify the kind of services that the vendors provide. These tags include

  • Ad serving
  • Website Analytics
  • Campaign Analytics
  • Audience Analytics
  • Sell Service Provider (SSP)

And more! Learn more about Fides Compass.

A new field with tags that classify the services the vendor provides.

New connectors: Iterate and Sparkpost

Fides 2.23 will introduce new connectors for Iterate and Sparkpost (MessageBird Email) for DSAR processing enabling our customer to execute both access and erasure requests using an API.

Get started with Fides 2.23 today

For an in-depth look at how Fides 2.23 accelerates global privacy compliance for your business, schedule a demo with one of our privacy engineers today.

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