How To Do Database Notation For Data Mapping

Once you’ve decided on the appropriate method for implementing your data map, you’ll need to analyze your company’s data using one of a few different methods. Here’s a guide to how this Data Notation process should be carried out.

All about data deletion requests

Under global privacy laws, consumers have the right to submit data deletion requests. This means companies must delete all the data contained on the user throughout their systems. This article will cover how businesses can execute deletion requests properly, what process it requires, and what most companies get wrong about data deletion.

How To Implement A Data Minimization Strategy

Data minimization is one of the most important principles your business can follow to respect user data – and comply with global privacy laws. Follow along to see the basics of how to implement minimization in your data operations.

How To Talk To Users About Their Privacy Requests

One of the first questions a business asks when they receive a privacy-related request from a user is: “how do we respond”? This guide contains templates for different types of privacy communication between privacy teams and their customers.

Data Privacy Acronym List

For newcomers, the world of data privacy can feel a little like alphabet soup. There are so many acronyms floating around the data privacy world that understanding which laws, activities, and concepts belong where is a real challenge.

Worldwide Privacy Laws

Governments and citizens across the world are increasingly aware of the importance of data privacy. With the rise in awareness, authorities in many countries have drafted regulations and laws to protect their citizens on the internet. Other countries have laws in late stages of development.