About Data Subject Requests

Data subject requests and DSARs are core functions in modern privacy ops. In this article, we show how to successfully fulfill these requests in compliance with laws like GDPR and CCPA.

Implementing Two-Factor Authentication In DSARs And Beyond

Strong password practices are essential for keeping your company’s and users’ data safe, in processing DSARs and in your general business practices. However, passwords are just one part of the equation. For next-level protection, here’s the 411 on 2FA: two-factor authentication.

All about data deletion requests

Under global privacy laws, consumers have the right to submit data deletion requests. This means companies must delete all the data contained on the user throughout their systems. This article will cover how businesses can execute deletion requests properly, what process it requires, and what most companies get wrong about data deletion.

How To Talk To Users About Their Privacy Requests

One of the first questions a business asks when they receive a privacy-related request from a user is: “how do we respond”? This guide contains templates for different types of privacy communication between privacy teams and their customers.

Data Subject Rights

Individual data rights are at the core of all the major pieces of data privacy legislation. They are a bundle of rights aimed at letting individuals exert control over the way that their data is collected, stored, and processed by other parties. Each data right below is substantive enough to consider independently, but seeing the list together provides a useful overview.