Implementing Two-Factor Authentication In DSARs And Beyond

Strong password practices are essential for keeping your company’s and users’ data safe, in processing DSARs and in your general business practices. However, passwords are just one part of the equation. For next-level protection, here’s the 411 on 2FA: two-factor authentication.

About Data Minimization

Data Minimization is a core privacy practice for organizations worldwide. This guide will cover the basic principles of Data Minimization, and show how your business can implement it in a privacy program.

What We’re Saying When We Say Automated Data Mapping

Because modern privacy is still young, the world doesn’t yet have a shared understanding of every term in privacy compliance. To help bring us to that shared understanding, here’s our primer on what we mean when we say “automated data mapping.”

How To Do Database Notation For Data Mapping

Once you’ve decided on the appropriate method for implementing your data map, you’ll need to analyze your company’s data using one of a few different methods. Here’s a guide to how this Data Notation process should be carried out.

All about data deletion requests

Under global privacy laws, consumers have the right to submit data deletion requests. This means companies must delete all the data contained on the user throughout their systems. This article will cover how businesses can execute deletion requests properly, what process it requires, and what most companies get wrong about data deletion.

How To Implement A Data Minimization Strategy

Data minimization is one of the most important principles your business can follow to respect user data – and comply with global privacy laws. Follow along to see the basics of how to implement minimization in your data operations.

Privacy By Design

Privacy By Design is a key concept in the study of modern data privacy. It’s incorporated into the text of the GDPR as a core principle, and its influence is considerable across a number of data privacy laws worldwide.