Introducing Fides Compass

Fides Compass provides deep intelligence about commonly used third-party vendors to automate data mapping and consent, getting you to a state of global privacy compliance quickly. Learn everything about what Fides Compass does, and how, in this blog post.

Consent Management in Fides 2.0

Introducing consent management in Fides 2.0. With the coming state privacy laws in 2023, your business needs to have granular control over users’ data and their consent preferences. Learn more about how Fides can enable this for your business, for free.

Custom Masking Strategies In Fides

Masking data is an essential part of modern privacy engineering. We highlight a handful of masking strategies made possible with the Fides open-source platform, and we explain the difference between key terms: pseudonymization and anonymization.

Data Lifecycle Phases

In Ethyca, a Data Lifecycle Phase (DLP) is a value or set of values assigned to a particular data use case in the Ethyca application. The phases associated with a use case influence how Ethyca displays the use case on your data map.